Yes, another gift guide.

Yes, another gift guide.-106024304676

We know what you’re thinking.. not another gift guide 🙃 and while you might be gift guide-ed out, we'd love to share some different ways to thoughtfully gift that won't break the bank.

The holiday season should be about spreading kindness, joy and quite simply, not sweating the small stuff like finding the exact, perfect gift.. We think many times people overwhelm themselves with the idea of gift giving and how difficult it can be to find the right gift while working with a budget. Trust us, we know the holiday season can be stressful and expensive, so hopefully our guide can inspire you to find a gift that’s not only thoughtful but easy on your bank account too.

  1. Thrift something unique and special. Look for something that’s different and totally reminds you of your giftee. A good place to start is the kitchen / household section. There’s always tons of little dishes and trinkets that are super fun and quite honestly useful.
  2. Create your own digital cookbook. Hello Canva 👋🏽 This will cost you absolutely nothing but your time. Find 5-10 recipes that would fun for your giftee to make - hey, even better if you set aside some time to make one of the recipes with them!
  3. Gift a memory! Find a cool spot either local or a short distance away that you’ve been wanting to go to. This can be in the form of a hike in a new spot, a newly opened up restaurant or maybe a local concert or show. The memories will be sure to last a lifetime!
  4. Give of the gift of self care. Book a facial for your giftee to ease the holiday stress. More than likely you can find a mini facial or holiday specials that your local spas may be hosting. Alternatively, errrrhm, must we mention our newest launch, The Fresh Set? Not only is it stunning, functional and gorgeous, the scents are sure to make it your giftee's favorite gift this year.

And while we’re speaking on the spirit of gift giving, now is the perfect time to let you, our FS community, know that we were so inspired by last month's entries to our Giftee Giveaway that we decided to choose 3 winners this month instead of just 1! So once you’ve read through with this guide, head over to The Giftee Giveaway and nominate someone in your life who deserves an extra sweet surprise this holiday season. Oh, and did we mention we’re not only giving away a send this month but our newly launched Fresh Set too? You could say we’re in the spirit of giving. 🎁