Stepping into getting together

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The end of March always shocks me. In some ways it’s a good shock – the startling joy and smile that first 65+ degree day brings and in other ways it jolts me awake reminding me that time is whooshing by and it is in fact, no longer the new year. My lighthearted denial around my new year's resolutions that haven’t quite stuck is brought to light by quarter one reviews, queuing up summertime plans, birds chirping in the morning, and tax season. Before we know it, it’s going to be August. 

One of the things I look forward to the most in the spring and summertime is early morning walks with my best friend Carli. For years now, we have sent each other a text at the beginning of the week to ask  “Hi, hello, how’s your week looking? Catch up over an early morning walk?” It’s not every week, or even every other week but it’s enough to make it “something we do.” It’s simple and easy and honestly something that is so unremarkable it seems trite to write an entire newsletter about going on a regular walk with your friends. But nevertheless, here I am. You want to know why? Going on regular walks with your friends (old and new), sisters, coworkers – it’s an ordinary event that can have an extraordinary impact. 

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There are many types of friends – friends that you see all the time, friends that you rarely see but when you do it’s always a deep dive when catching up, friends that you work next to everyday that you might not open up to about the stuff that’s going on in your life. Don’t get me wrong, each of these friends are great to have!! But I’m not sure if you feel it too, friends and friendship change quite a bit as we get older. I just turned 28, and unless there is an event, a happy coincidental run-in, a scheduled walk, or we work together, I don’t see friends very often. People have to work all day and make meals and get their taxes done and go grocery shopping and have a life, right!! You get it. Everyone is busy and our lives can feel full. But I know there have been moments in my life where I wanted to stay connected with friends, or even continue to make and strengthen new friendships but just didn’t because I didn’t put in enough effort to make that happen. Turns out, if you just take the first step to get together, by scheduling something as simple as a walk on a regular basis, you’ll feel more connected.

So! Here’s what I’m doing in my life to feel more connected – I’m hosting a weekly Get Together Walk with my best friend. Something that happens every week, something we can look forward to and count on, something so easy and nonchalant it’s hard to cancel: an early 30-45 minute walk and talk (and maybe add some coffee). My hope is that even if it’s just me and my best friend every week, we will look back on this season of life with a smile on our faces knowing we were literally walking through life together. However, anyone is welcome on this walk! A new friend, an acquaintance, someone who just moved who wants to know and connect with some friendly faces, can come and walk with us if they’d like!

I encourage you, dear Get Together reader, to maybe start something like this of your own. Maybe it’s not a walk, maybe it’s a coffee date or drinks in the park, maybe it’s not every week either! Pick a day, pick a frequency, put it on your calendar, and tell your friend(s) you want to have a standing Get Together. I’m positive they will love the idea and they will be so happy that you reached out to schedule something like this. Try not to be hard on yourself or disappointed when life gets crazy and sometimes you can’t make it, that’s okay!! Give yourself some grace and just reschedule, or say “we’ll pick up next time, can’t wait!”

I know this might sound like homework or you might think of five quick reasons why you shouldn’t do this, but before you do that think of five convincing reasons why you should. All really good things in life take effort and some work, and what I’m looking for at the end of this year, at the end of my twenties, and even more sobering, at the end of my life (dun dun dun), is knowing I took the steps to get a little bit closer to people. I hope you lean in, walk towards and with other people, drink coffee and laugh!! I know you won’t regret it.

**If you live in Denver and want to come along on my Get Together Walk, please join us!! We Get Together every Wednesday morning at Wash Park at 7am. Follow along for details on Instagram @tygerhiss **


– Ty Hiss, CEO