Florals. For Spring? Groundbreaking.

Florals. For Spring? Groundbreaking.-106411884580

After the long winter months of putting on chapstick every 10-minutes and leaving work when it is pitch black (depressing, right?), the beginning of April comes with the hope and glimpse of beautiful days spent outside and finally needing to use air conditioning in the car. Additionally, it's a time when everything comes back to life, including the incredible flowers that bloom after a long and cold winter. If you're looking to add some color and life into your or others’ lives, here are some of the best flowers for the season:

  1. Daffodils: Daffodils are one of the most popular flowers for spring, and for good reason! These bright yellow flowers symbolize new beginnings and are a sure sign that spring has arrived. Daffodils are easy to grow, look great on their own or mixed in with other flower varieties, are low maintenance, and will thrive in full sun or partial shade.

  2. Tulips: Another classic spring flower, tulips come in a wide variety of colors and shapes, making them perfect for any garden or home. Put them on your bedside table to liven up a space or in your kitchen – it’s amazing to see how tulips twist and turn as they drink up water. Did you know, tulips will continue to grow once they have been cut?! Sending the freshest tulips has never been easier, check out our FS Favorites.

  3. Hyacinths: Hyacinths are known for their sweet fragrance and come in various colors, including pink, purple, white, and blue. They typically have shorter stems so these blooms are perfect for bud vases!

  4. Lilies: Lilies have an intoxicating scent that you might have encountered on spring walks. They are showstoppers who have larger-than-life blooms. When gifting someone lilies, you can send them with confidence knowing they have quite a long vase life. Ship lilies with us!

  5. Peonies: Peonies! The star and favorite for many. They are beloved for their large, fluffy blooms and incredible ability to change in color and how quickly they can open. Peonies look amazing in an arrangement on their own or mixed in with any other type of flower. Stay tuned for when we offer our peony bouquets here by subscribing to our email list.

There are many beautiful flowers to choose from when it comes to adding spring blooms to your home or gifting fragrant spring bouquets. Whether you the understated but loved tulips or larger-than-life lilies, there's sure to be a variety that suits your and your giftee’s taste. So get out there and send some fresh flowers – spring is the perfect time to celebrate new beginnings, fresh starts, and the beauty of nature.